Dear Readers,
The Blue Beacon’s serialization is now complete.
What a journey this was! I hope you enjoyed the show. Thank for being here and for following along as this new universe dawned into our world.
I already miss Eola and the whole crew and this morning I felt a mix of relief and sadness at not having a post scheduled. I guess this post could’ve been ready, but it was also Valentine’s Day and the book was finished, so I was alright to rest and strategize.
The big problem is I still have an Acknowledgements page to finish, and I didn’t realize how intense that would be! Along with all that gratitude, what’s swirling through my head right now is: what next?
Fortunately, I’ve thought about this awhile and here’s are some goals for The Blue Beacon over the next month:
Record audio versions of each chapter.
Figure out a small print run.
Consider next marketing steps, like whether to serialize again on Royal Road.
One recommendation I’m getting so far is: Write Book 2 already! That’s clearly the most important next step in the Cascadia Chronicles project. I’d love to be at the top of the next mountain, and I’m already on the way. But to this I’ll add a parenthetical refrain to Diana Ross’s famous advice: You can’t hurry love (or good stories).
What’s nice is the building which went into the series in the first place is no longer required. The setting and many characters are set. In other words, Book 2 will not require another lifetime of lead-up. So rest assured the next book is growing, and I want to know what happens as much as you. Okay, maybe not quite so much, because I know some of what happens. But there are still tons of surprises left to reveal for all of us is my point.
First, though I want to get back to anecdotes, essays, and recommendations at The Green Room for a bit. I miss that place! And I want to keep this frequency of posts flowing. If you’re only a Cascadia Chronicles reader, you can follow me over there for more.
In the meantime, readers, thank you again for this journey together. To crib from another pop chanteuse, you were the wind beneath my wings. More gratitude and acknowledgments will be forthcoming.
Jordan Green
Start here to read The Blue Beacon from the start.
I'm sure you've already done this, but if for some reason you haven't, I would recommend checking out David Gaughran, in terms of self-publishing. I have no ties to this. I'm just pushing good karma forward. :)