Readers, here is something I wrote to you on Sunday, with the most ridiculous passage in emphasis:
So here it is: The Blue Beacon will top out at 43 chapters plus an epilogue. Now we can all start the countdown.
Most ridiculous because that chapter count was incorrect! Wildly so!
This mathematical error was due to:
Chapter divisions in the Google Docs draft being more frequent than the book’s structure in Substack.
There still being chapters yet to condense!
So yesterday I decided to figure out a true final count by uploading every chapter and now there’s a new final count: 33 chapters + an epilogue.
I don’t know about you, folks, but this news arrived as a massive relief. When I ran the numbers over the weekend and saw I was only 53% through, I felt some serious confusion and mild discouragement. How could I be going into the main action sequence only a little over halfway through the story? Stories are like circles to me and this one felt super lopsided, like an inflatable Nerf football left in the sun for a summer.
Instead, we are now 77% of the way through this story! Only two weeks remain in The Blue Beacon’s serialization. (Also, I titled today’s Chapter 25 and it was actually 26.) I’d offer more of an apology or mea culpa here, but most of you all know me and some bumps should be expected.😉
Point is, buckle up over these next couple weeks for the thrilling conclusion of The Blue Beacon!!!
Your friendly author,
Jordan Green
Haha, j/k, it's currently 34 + an epilogue.