The Blue Beacon keeps rolling forward!
Where we're at
On Monday, my company, Green Words LLC, received a deposit of the funds we raised together from Kickstarter. Now they go into operation. So far those funds have paid for an order of postcards from Moo featuring a full color map of Cascadia and two celebratory Mexican lagers.
The next step is to order books and stickers, and then deliver it all to you. There are two good reasons I haven't ordered yet from Gorham Printing, however.
Reason 1: To give backers a chance to add to their order, and newcomers a shot at their First Edition. There is now an open pre-order store on BackerKit, which is a well-regarded and super helpful resource for successful Kickstarters. Get your copy today!
Reason 2: Real quick before I get to the second reason, I have a confession. There was one aspect of this campaign which was not complete: The Blue Beacon's audiobook. At launch, I only had about a third read and recorded. While I'm still on track to deliver all digital goods by my August target date, this impacts the printed book's timeline because I'm actively re-reading the book aloud and making minor edits as I go. This will result in a tidier First Edition for you all.
So that's where we are, flush into the Fulfillment Stage of The Blue Beacon's development. As we near the delivery date, I keep hoping this story finds and resonates with readers, and I have cause for optimism! Over 4th of July in the Wallowas, one of the cleverest and most gregarious middle schoolers I know, Aidan, gave me a seal of approval after reading the first couple chapters. He also had a lot of ideas about how sea life could fit in. 🐋 To get that sort of excited feedback was altogether thrilling.
So that's where we're at and I'm having a blast sorting it all out. I'll keep you in the loop as we get nearer to production! In the meantime, check out BackerKit for more!